About the Author

Jennifer Ann Shore is an award-winning, bestselling author based in Seattle, Washington.

She writes romance stories that go a little deeper than the standard tropes. Her lineup of more than a dozen books includes standalones, a dystopian series, and a vampire series—with titles such as “Perfect Little Flaws,” “Young at Midnight,” and “Metallic Red.”

Prior to publishing, she led an impressive career in New York, first as a journalist and then as a marketing executive, gaining recognition for her work from companies such as Hearst and SIIA.

Be sure to visit her books and your preferred social media channels to stay in touch.

Jennifer Ann Shore

Upcoming Events

July 25, 2026: Readers & Writers Seattle — Seattle, WA

Past Events
July 20, 2024: Readers & Writers Seattle — Seattle, WA

April 22, 2023: Ohioana Book Festival — Columbus, OH

March 30, 2023: Readers Take Denver — Denver, CO

October 1, 2022: Authors in the Bluegrass — Lexington, KY

2021: Ohioana Book Festival — Virtual

2020: Ohioana Book Festival — Virtual

Recent Press/Interviews

Author Interview with Jennifer Ann Shore: "Because the biggest thing that seems to stop people from actually writing one is that they’re not giving themselves permission to get started. I’m not sure whether it’s fear or nerves or some sort of other trepidation, but if I never parked myself in front of a laptop after having a weird dystopian dream, “New Wave” would have never gotten written—and I wouldn’t be here today."

Interview with Jennifer Ann Shore, Author of Young at Midnight: "Within romance, there are so many subgenres that it’s almost wild to think that they’re all lumped together. Because while my books definitely have romance in them, I think they’re a little bit more than the standard of what you see—they go a little deeper with other plotlines, and while the relationship is a key part, it’s not the entire story."

Author Spotlight Interview: Jennifer Ann Shore: "Today’s interview is with bestselling indie author Jennifer Ann Shore. Jennifer writes romance novels ranging from dystopian to vampire to adult and young adult, and it was an absolute pleasure to get to know more about her writing style, life outside of writing and upcoming projects!"

Exclusive: Interview with Jennifer Ann Shore: "I’m really uncomfortable with the idea of basing characters off of people I know, but I can’t say that they’re entirely out of my imagination either, so I’ll say that I’ll pull details from what I’ve experienced, I’ve wanted to experience, and a smattering in between."

Have You Met: Jennifer Ann Shore by Jennifer Mitchell: "What I really mean is that I don’t believe in complicating storytelling or using a thesaurus for the sake of doing so. You can create a story that is as light and fluffy or complex and twisty as you want, as long as you tell it in a way that a reader can engage on some level. You should overthink as a writer, but your reader shouldn’t have to."

Author Interviews: Jennifer Ann Shore: "I’m very tired of reading young adult fiction where the main character’s purpose is to land a significant other, and while I know that dating and relationships are a big part of life, it does an injustice to young women everywhere to act like that is their sole purpose for existing — so you won’t be reading anyone like that in my books."

The Best Indie Books We've Read By Year: "Shore is fabulous at getting to the heart of what makes us human."

Author Interview: Meet Bestseller and Former Journalist Jennifer Ann Shore: "With the onset of the pandemic, she’s been writing like a madwoman and I, for one, am thrilled to bits. I love her writing style and I know you will love it too."